Study for COBIT 5 certification at foundation level with our online training course!
This course has been accredited by APMG and created by leading experts to provide you with everything you need to pass the COBIT 5 Foundation Level exam.
Our COBIT 5 foundation qualification is a pre-requisite for advancement to higher levels of COBIT 5 accreditation, such as COBIT 5 Implementation and subsequently COBIT 5 Assessor.
COBIT® is a registered trademark of ISACA and the IT Governance Institute.
Why you Should Take This Course?
Become a certified COBIT professional, and join the elite group of qualified COBIT5 professionals worldwide!
This course is ideal for individuals or teams who wish to demonstrate their understanding of COBIT 5, achieve a recognized qualification that demonstrates their ability to apply COBIT 5, become a certified COBIT professional, and join the elite group of qualified COBIT5 professionals worldwide.
The business orientation of COBIT consists of linking business goals to IT goals, providing metrics and maturity models to measure their achievement, and identifying the associated responsibilities of business and IT process owners.
COBIT aims “to research, develop, publish and promote an authoritative, up-to-date, international set of generally accepted information technology control objectives for day-to-day use by business managers, IT professionals and assurance professionals”.
Browse the course syllabus for a full module by module breakdown of what’s included.
With this course, you’ll receive 6 months access from the date of purchase as well as a FREE exam voucher to use whenever you are ready to sit the COBIT 5 Level 1 exam!
COBIT 5 is the only recognized business framework for the Governance and Management of Enterprise IT.
Since the launch of COBIT 5, tens of thousands of professionals are seeking to become certified worldwide each year!
This qualification is a pre-requisite for advancement to higher levels of COBIT 5 accreditation, such as COBIT 5 Implementation and subsequently COBIT 5 Assessor.
Why Study COBIT 5 Foundation with 4PA?
4PA is :
- A Leading Training & Consulting Organization
- Accredited by various principals
- World-wide presence and delivery models
- Unique, but proven,knowledge transfer and validation techniques
- Adds great value to the Organizations
- Result oriented approach
The Benefits of eLearning:
All 4PA courses run entirely over the web and have been carefully designed to provide the most comprehensive, interactive and flexible learning experience available. Study when it suits you – at home, at work or on the move.
Flexibility to learn from your desktop, laptop or tablet at your own pace, when it suits YOU. Anytime. Anywhere (an internet connection is required).
Our courses are easy-to-use. Participants will benefit from an interactive multimedia environment that enhances the way you study.
With eLearning, individuals and organizations avoid the typical costs of travel and consultancy by studying independently online.
Our online training courses are designed with mobility and accessibility in mind. You can access your training from any desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.
The COBIT 5 standard consists of principles, models and best practices, and analytical tools. It aims to enhance the value that can be derived from an organizations’ information systems, whilst at the same time increasing trust in these systems
COBIT 5 can benefit and support organizations of all sizes and type get the most of out of their IT by balancing the need to create value with the requirement for managing levels of risk and usage of resource.
Why Adopt COBIT 5 for Your Organization?
COBIT 5 is the globally accepted framework for managing and governing an organization’s IT.
COBIT supports the concerns of both the business and IT function, and addresses the interests and needs of an organization’s internal and external stakeholders.
COBIT 5 is an evolutionary jump from COBIT 4.1 and takes into account leading-edge practices and approaches from governance and management.
Version 5 also provides compatibility and integration with external frameworks and standards, such as ITIL® and ISO, and ISACA’s Val IT and Risk IT standards.
This eLearning course provides you with all the training and materials that you will need to prepare for the COBIT 5 Foundation exam.
In the course, you will learn about Technology Governance and Control Frameworks, applying a Single Integrated Framework, Separating Governance from Management, evidence-based assessment, and much more.
COBIT® is a registered trademark of ISACA and the IT Governance Institute.
Full Details of our COBIT 5 Course:
Browse the contents of this eLearning course by clicking on a module title below that you would like to know more about. Why not try a free trial module of our course before you buy!
Module 1: Introduction:
This modules is designed to set the tone and set your expectations for the rest of the course. This module will show how COBIT 5 achieves its role as a single and integrated framework, which is a considerable achievement, given the number of different frameworks available in the IT operational and planning sphere.
This module describes the COBIT 5 architecture and how it achieves the integration and alignment within a single framework by bringing together existing and new ISACA material with new guidance, as well as other standards and frameworks.
In this module you will also learn about the COBIT 5 family of products.
M1. Governance – Introduction, Issues and Challenges
This module provides a quick run through the issues around IT Governance and how it fits into the general Governance of an organization.
This module provides a general overview of governance and the implications for business of implementing governance. It is important to remember that this module and the next module are not examinable modules, but they are an important background to introduce you to the concepts and discipline of governance and technology governance.
So, now we are going to concentrate on two main points:
1) What governance is, and
2) How it enables us to better conduct our businessModule 2: IT Governance and Control Frameworks:
Before starting on the COBIT 5 journey it is necessary to establish the context within which the framework is relevant and useful. To that end, we’ll provide a general understanding of what IT governance is and some of the challenges boards have faced, leading to a recognition of the complexity of the IT environment, with its many functions, structures, frameworks, roles etc., all of which give rise to a multitude of IT issues and risks.
In order to manage these challenges 3 viewpoints are introduced – Organization, Executive Board and Management and thirdly IT management. This is further detailed from the perspective of ineffective IT governance.
Module 3: COBIT Principles Overview:
This module, Module 2, Principles, is the first module that begins to address the specific Learning Objectives that are mandated for the COBIT 5 Foundation exam.
ISACA is quite explicit in specifying the basic knowledge of COBIT that it expects you to have acquired in order to pass the Foundation exam.
We will look at the five principles that underpin COBIT 5 and the processes and methodologies that derive from them. Once you are confident that you have thoroughly grasped the implications of these Principles you will be ready to proceed to the next Module.
Module 4: Meeting Stakeholder Needs:
First we will take a look at the Governance Objectives implied by Stakeholder needs and then understand how these arise by looking at the various drivers involved.
From these considerations we will get an understanding how to translate the needs of the stakeholder into meaningful action. We will look at the COBIT 5 goals cascade, which is the mechanism to translate stakeholder needs into specific, actionable and customized enterprise goals, IT-related goals, and enabler goals.
Module 5: Covering the Enterprise End-to-end:
As with all of this course, your understanding of the current module builds upon the previous modules. You should be sure you understand well what you have learned so far before embarking on this module.
In Module 3 we looked at Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs. In this module we will look more deeply into the Second of COBIT’s 5 Principles: Covering the Enterprise End-to-End.
The Learning Objectives for this module include identifying the components of a governance system and the interactions between them. You will need to be confident in your understanding of these aspects before you move on the succeeding modules.
Module 6: Applying a Single Integrated Framework:
In this module we will show how COBIT 5 achieves its role of a single and integrated framework. This is necessary because COBIT comprises a large body of knowledge from previous versions through to the current version but also other disciplines, standards and frameworks covering security, risk and assurance to mention just a few.
COBIT 5 is a dynamic framework with continued efforts by ISACA to continually update and extend it and also make it relevant across multiple disciplines within the enterprise IT space.
This module describes the COBIT 5 architecture and how it achieves the integration and alignment within a single framework by bringing together existing and new ISACA material with new guidance and other standards and frameworks.
The COBIT 5 family of products is introduced.
Module 7: Enabling a Holistic Approach:
This Module discusses the Fourth Principle of COBIT 5 – Enabling a Holistic Approach.
Remembering that the Learning Objectives are the specific things that will be examined in the Foundation Exam, there’s quite a lot of content here.
Fortunately, the way that COBIT5 approaches the Holistic Approach means that there is a logic behind the structures that mean these are not particularly hard to grasp.
COBIT 5 defines a set of enablers to support the implementation of a comprehensive governance and management system for enterprise IT. We will look at this in detail in this module
Module 8: Separating Governance from Management:
This Module covers a critical differentiator between COBIT and most of the other frameworks that have a Governance aspect.
What is striking about COBIT is the degree of separation and clarity of thinking predicated by the degree of separation between the aspects of Governance and Management.
This is Principle No. 5 of COBIT, and in many ways the key to the whole edifice.
The Learning objectives of Principle 5 are concerned about this separation – and also the pragmatics of the way they have to co-exist and interact – how they feed off each other might be another way of describing the relationship.
We will consider these aspects separately as a matter of academic clarity, content in the understanding that in the real world it can be a considerable intellectual challenge to suitably separate them.
Module 9: Enablers:
We are progressing well and are getting to the main area of COBIT 5. Much of what we have covered in previous modules is a necessary foundation for the enablers that we will describe in detail here. This is a long module, but is important because it ties together what we have addressed so far.
Enablers are factors that, individually and collectively, influence whether something will work. The COBIT 5 framework describes seven categories of enablers and each one will be covered in turn in this module.
Module 10: Process Capability Model (The Process Assessment Model):
This Module discusses the COBIT 5 Process Capability Model which, is part of COBIT5 foundation – and as such is a subset of ISACA’s Process Assessment Programme, which augments this aspect of the COBIT5 Framework Guidance. We will look into the Process Assessment Programme to the extent needed to support the Foundation level thinking around Assessment.
At the end of the module you should have a good understanding of the Process Capability Model and the basic ISO 15504 concepts, and the facts, terms and concepts that relate to the Process Capability Model.
Module 11: Introduction to COBIT 5 Implementation:
The purpose of this module is to introduce the implementation and continual improvement life cycle at a high level and to highlight a number of important topics from COBIT 5 implementation such as:
1) Making a business case for the implementation and improvement of the governance and management of IT
2) Recognizing typical pain points and trigger events
3) Creating the appropriate environment for implementation
4) Leveraging COBIT to identify gaps and guide the development of enablers such as policies, processes, principles, organizational structures, and roles and responsibilities.
Thinking of sitting the COBIT 5 Exam? Here you’ll find everything you need to know!
Upon completion of the COBIT Foundation eLearning course, you will have learnt everything you need to know in order to prepare, sit, and pass the COBIT Foundation Level exam.
Remote Proctor Now are the authorized providers of exams for COBIT 5.
What you Need to Know About the Exam:
This is a multiple choice exam consisting of 50 questions
There is a time limit of 40 minutes to complete the exam
The exam is closed book – you cannot make use of any resources or materials during the exam
To pass the exam you must get 25 out of 50 questions correct (50%)
When you have completed the COBIT foundation eLearning course, you should be ready to start preparing for the foundation level exam. This exam is available to take online, via a web-based examination system provided by APMG.
You can take the exam online (virtually) using a service called Remote Proctor Now.
When you feel ready to sit the exam, just contact support or give us a call. Your free exam voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue and must be claimed within 6 months of first course access.
Why not try out a free trial module from our COBIT 5 Foundation eLearning course!
In this COBIT 5 Foundation trial module, you will learn about Governance, Enterprise Governance, and IT Governance via a mixture of interactive and audio techniques to enhance the learning experience.
Try the Course Before you Buy!
Like the full COBIT 5 foundation eLearning course, you can access this free trial module from any device whether you are at home, at work, or on the move!
If you require any other information regarding the course or how to access the eLearning on a mobile device, please feel free to leave your details with us via our online contact form and a member of our team will be in touch.

COBIT® is a registered trade mark of ISACA and the IT Governance Institute.